photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Out in the community

So, YOUR Day Flowers is moving beyond word of mouth. It's hard work to convince others that you have something to offer! But it's also been fun. Last weekend Clinton and I made posters with tear-off tags to hang around NC State campus. The common message boards had conveniently been cleared by campus maintenance so by the time we got there, It's YOUR Day signs were the only signs posted! It was also a beautiful day and we just had a fantastic time being together! We also tried to post at Meredith College but they maintain higher restrictions around solicitation. I'm just so grateful to God for such a wonderful husband that will go around with me to make a tedious task so pleasant!

This weekend we plan on "planting" flowers on car windsheilds with our business card attached! Sounds like fun to me! I know everyone hates when returning to a car with coupons or promos in place (always makes me feel like I've been ticketed!), but to take home a pretty flower is different. That's "nice" advertising! We've chosen to "car plant" at outdoor recreation sites. Lord knows, this area provides an overabundance of recreational facilities. Plus, Clinton and I will get to enjoy each other outdoors (some more) while striving to meet It's YOUR Day's goals.

I also forgot to post my favorite boutonniere. My dear husband wore this one and as simple as it is, I think it's just exquisite. And it was exactly what he wanted!
Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

If you could join me in prayer: My prayer continues to be that this is God's design for me. I pray that He promotes in the community me, knowing that I can do nothing without His strength and His desire for my life. Trusting His guidance in my life is all I can do. So I pray to continuously place my trust in Him and honor Him in every part of this endeavor. Amidst my task oriented nature in such a large project, I need to continue to come to Him, fully trusting that He will provide.