photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My favorite flower

Smells like sunshine

Like a cup and saucer with a twist.

A star, a reminder of God's heaven above, His creation to be revered.

A trumpet shouting His praises.

Boldly sharing God's glory to all and

A reminder that every day is made anew.

With each spring we are yet one more year closer to His return.

I love daffodils :)

Then my husband bought me some!
Isn't he sweet??? Yeppers!

These are from my darling mother-in-law. At our last family dinner she brought me flowers, and just the way I like them...loose and ready for arranging!

I love how long daisies last. These were in excellent condition for more than the last 2 weeks!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Baby Shower!

It's a fun thing when someone close to you has a baby. Until now I haven't had that experience. Yes, I've know ladies that have had children. My sister has 3 kids, plus I was a nanny for 2 years, and am actually still in childcare. But to have someone close to you that
you actually still live near...well, that's a different experience as the friend of a pregnant woman.

I have such a friend at the moment so I just recently had the joy of hosting my first baby shower! My boss (in the daycare/preschool I work in) allowed us to have an extended lunch hour on a teacher work-day so we went to a California style Mexican restaurant (Cafe Capistrano in the Carpenter Village area of Cary, NC) and all enjoyed a new restaurant that we don't ordinarily have lunch-time access to as a group. The food was delicious and they were wonderful hosts for our 20 member party! Needless to say, the shower was a success because my friend felt honored.

Plus, I got to make flowers for the event!!! Here are some pics!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time for some more pics!

This wedding was in November 2009 and quite a success. I also decorated this bride's shower in October and have never received so many complements! A bit humbling....

This bride particularly loved the hint of pink to complement her green and white theme.

Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Yes, It's YOUR Day makes bows, too! Something I learned from my first floral job...It's a skill I love and comes in quite handy!

Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

This very special mom just adored her white carnation against pink heather.

Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Each of the 14 table arrangements was unique. The bride chose white and green with pink accents and the groom said, "Whoa, what color do I get?" So, he and his bride decided a neutral brown would be his addition to the wedding color scheme. Everyone marveled the unique use of cinnamon sticks to add the groom's touch.

Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Wispy strands of heather complement the simple carnation in a very elegant manor. I call into question anyone that believes carnations are for funerals! Just elegant...

Photo courtesy of Julie Faith Photography

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

May 2009... What a beautiful day!

Courtesy of Julie Faith Photography May 2009

Courtesy of Julie Faith Photography May 2009

Courtesy of Julie Faith Photography May 2009

Courtesy of Julie Faith Photography May 2009

These photos are from my first wedding of last year. Check out the natural beauty between the outdoors and the sunflowers! This particular bride adores contrast so the deep purple of the dresses plus the bright yellow made HER day....and of course, so did her new hubby. Pink alstromeria, as a spash foreign to the rest of the decor, completed the look.

There is a plan!

As with any new endeavor, there needs to be a plan. I feel like sharing some of my plan with you. This all began with the quandary of how I will help provide for my children (once I have them)? Yes, I am quite happily married, but with recurrent economic fluctuation, I feel compelled to, at very least, contribute to our financial sustenance. The motivation behind It's YOUR Day was formed by realizing that I wanted to work 3-ish days/week out of my home doing something I love, something creative (not making phone calls or stuffing envelopes). Helping brides celebrate their most momentous occasion, yet not be "married" to a shop that required constant time away from home and family, in addition to the inability to travel for holidays, has been my dream.
In providing floral decor year round, yet within a limited market, I've decided to work out of my home, thus removing the overhead cost of space rental, utilities, shop upkeep, merchandise, and so much more. Many of you will say, "Finally! The wedding budget can relax a bit!" What great news!!! And finding a wholesale floral distributor helps me keep costs even lower to the bride!

Professionally, I do weddings because God honors marriage. It is a true celebratory event. What an honor to be able to help someone celebrate such a joyous occasion!

Personally, my greatest anticipation is to be working in "my flower room" while my baby(ies) are rolling around the playpen or napping. When the hubby comes home I'll have the ability to retreat once again (if necessary) to continue my true vocation.
In time, It's YOUR Day will have a more presentable portfolio that will lend brides to trust my unique, yet dazzling creation. That trust will create a sense of relaxation; in terms of their decor, they have nothing to fear.

I'd like to add that yes, while this is a glimpse my plan, it holds no significance if it is not the Lord's plan. As my life belongs to Him, I mean that all of my life, including my career and finances. I fully trust that He has equipped me for something that will bring Him glory and honor. Is it It's YOUR Day? Only time will tell.

Movin' On Up...

Welcome to It's YOUR Day's first blog. In making photography of our work available for viewing we are excited that you are with us. This blogger space will primarily be used for photos, but I will also be able to share the anticipation of upcoming events, the thrill of establishing a name among the event planning community, and any exciting public events that you may be invited to attend as my support or for just plain fun!
To you, my first readers, thank you! Many of you have obviously encouraged me by valuing my work, listening to my desires, and keeping me in your prayers for guidance and direction.

Now, let's check out some pics...courtesy of Julie Faith Photography